Happy Belated New Year to all you who are reading this! 2016 has been a powerful year and we decided to start big and hold our first major event in 2017. This is by far our most ambitious event, accommodating around 100 attendees.
I’m Jojo, the writer of this blog – and also the planner for this event. Let me share with you on our story of this Cloud Security Event that happened on the 12th of January, 2017, a Thursday.
It took us 2 almost months from planning of the topic, agenda, venue, confirming speakers etc for this event. It was quite a challenge at the beginning as this is our first time organizing such a big event ourselves. We are lucky to have Microsoft Malaysia to support and advise us on the event to make this happen.
This time, we have a topic focused that answers the most popular question asked by all: How secure is Cloud Technology?
We have split the security topic to 2, external threats and internal threats. External threats focuses on how cloud infrastructure function in layers to protects data /information. While Internal threats topic focuses on the importance of getting the internal protection before an organization suffer from great lost in terms of profit or competition.
We are glad to have Dr. Dzahar Mansor, the National Technology Officer of Microsoft Malaysia to enlighten us on how cloud technology can protect data from external threat. We also have another speaker, Mr. Sivakumar Mahathevan from ICT Asia to give us insight on the importance to keep data save from Internal threats.
On the day of the event, 8 of us from G-AsiaPacific were there to ensure the event runs smoothly. Everyone had their assigned role to ensure the event runs smoothly. Sam Yeow, our marketing strategist acted our emcee of the day. And I am the one ensuring the audio and visio are working properly throughout the event.

[Angelyn and Toby handling the registration counter]

[The crowd outside the ballroom.]

When we arrived at 8.15am to set up equipment, there were already some early birds who were enjoying and enjoying their morning breakfast and coffee. By 8.30am, Angelyn and Toby have set up the registration counter and people starts register themselves. The Opening keynote by Mr. Mark Goh, the Director of G-AsiaPacific started at 9.35am, followed by Dr. Dzahar’s talk on Cloud Security Overview at 9.50am. We are glad that the participants have actively volunteered to join the Q&A session before everyone were released for coffee break at 10.55am.
During Dr. Dzahar’s session, he gave us some insight on how businesses transform in the past and during the current era. Additionally, he does not only briefed us on the layers of security features that shows how cloud data were protected by Microsoft. He also enlighten us on the Privacy & Control, Compliances and Transparency of Microsoft Cloud solutions. It was truly an eye opener for audience who wants to learn about cloud security. Check out Dr. Dzahar’s short video here.

[Dr. Dzahar enlightening us on Cloud Security.]
We continued the session at 11.15am with Mr. Siva on Competitive Edge Through Managing Internal Threats. Thanks to Mr. Siva, participants were able to gain awareness on how important is to manage internal threats while majority of the people were only focusing on external threats. He showed us lots of real life case studies on companies who suffered great loss from lacking awareness of internal threats protection. One of the examples that stays clearly in my head is the DCNS (Direction des Constructions Navales), A france companies that loss 22,400 pages of data through their subsidiaries company. Lastly, Mr. Siva also briefed us on how data get lost or stolen.

[Mr. Siva giving us awareness on importance of Internal Threats.]
Check out Mr. Siva’s short live video here. Again, participants were actively seeking for answers during the Q&A session and everybody were release to lunch at 12.30pm.
The event ended with a lunch session and once again a round applause to G-AsiaPacific team who made this happen! And thanks to all participants who attended to make this event a successful one!

[From left to right: Mr. Sivakumar and Mr. Vigneswaran from ICT Asia; Dr. Dzahar, the National Technology Officer from Microsoft Malaysia; Mr. Mark Goh (Director), Mr. Gordon Chen (Chief Technology Officer) and Mr. Toh Zhen Yang (Country Manager) from G-AsiaPacific.]